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Saturday, May 21, 2011

brad pitt movies 2009

brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt Films 2008 media
  • Brad Pitt Films 2008 media

  • Tonewheel
    Apr 22, 05:36 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    I agree with you. The first thing I thought of was the battery. Unless Apple has made miraculous strides with reeeeeaaaaallly thin batteries, this design would mean about 45 minutes of juice.

    brad pitt movies 2009. rad pitt movies.
  • rad pitt movies.

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 25, 09:50 AM
    $70 really isn't that bad. All multi-button bluetooth mice cost a fair amount.

    That said, if I were going to buy a new BT mouse (which I'm not, because my 2.5 year old MS one is still kicking) I'd get the radtech BT600 because it has more buttons and can recharge with usb. (it's $60 btw... same range)

    brad pitt movies 2009. rad pitt movies.
  • rad pitt movies.

  • saving107
    Apr 14, 12:36 PM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt#39;s character in
  • Brad Pitt#39;s character in

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 28, 04:19 PM
    If this requires case manufacturers to make a case specifically for the white iPhone on both carriers, I wouldn't be surprised if they just said screw it, were not making one. Apple released the white iPhone because they said they would, I don't think enough will be sold where it makes sense for case makers.


    brad pitt movies 2009. 2009 - Inglorious Basterds
  • 2009 - Inglorious Basterds

  • inlovewithi
    Apr 13, 03:21 PM
    The iPad has already blown away the "Apple makes overpriced stuff myth" out of the water. If you are still clinging on to this, let it go and find another useful argument.

    Most of the products in Apple's line up are competitively priced or more affordable than its competitors...and don't compare iMac's to desktop boxes it's an all-in-one a different form factor.

    Apple makes insane profits because their products sell...in extraordinary numbers not because they are overpriced. Fact is if Apple only makes income because of the premium, people will not continue to buy them if they don't work well.

    If you want to dispute what I said, try making your own product, design a pretty logo for it and sell it at a premium. See how that works out for you.

    What does the iPad or anything I sad have to do with my suggestion? My point was very simple and has nothing to do with any other Apple product. I simply suggested that Apple would still make a huge profit if they simply made a regular television and charge extra for it.

    brad pitt movies 2009. angelina jolie rad pitt photo
  • angelina jolie rad pitt photo

  • wordoflife
    May 1, 11:05 PM
    Dollar rises upon death of Osama (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110502/ts_alt_afp/usattacksobamabinladenforex_20110502035027)

    Interesting, haha


    brad pitt movies 2009. U.S. actor Brad Pitt and his
  • U.S. actor Brad Pitt and his

  • baryon
    Apr 15, 02:24 PM
    App Sandboxing? Since when does Lion do that??

    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt New Look Photobucket
  • Brad Pitt New Look Photobucket

  • beany boy
    Apr 14, 07:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    4.3.2 feels smoother to me. Take that with as many grains of sand as you like.


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington,
  • Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington,

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:27 AM
    The 2 things that convinced me:

    1) The use of 'and...and...and' a lot. Stammering: A hallmark of sarcasm.

    2) He then responded to one of my comments with a very thoughtful post (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12377088&postcount=26). Hardly the type of thing and actual Android-Troll would write.

    I was pretty sure based on #1 (do people really not know the stammering thing? I guess not!), but #2 was enough to make me certain.



    brad pitt movies 2009. angelina jolie and rad pitt
  • angelina jolie and rad pitt

  • Stella
    Nov 3, 12:42 PM
    ..who won't let you legally (http://download.microsoft.com/documents/useterms/Windows%20Vista_Ultimate_English_9d10381d-6fa8-47c7-83b0-c53f722371fa.pdf) install a "Home" version of Vista in a virtual enviroment, forcing you to pay more for the Ultimate version.

    What microsoft don't know, won't hurt them.

    I very much doubt whether vista could detect its running in a virtual environment.


    brad pitt movies 2009. Posted in Brad Pitt
  • Posted in Brad Pitt

  • CaryMacGuy
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    I really want to see an LTE iPhone in 2012. I recently bought a Droid X on a 1 year contract because I wanted a phone with a large screen (and the iPhone 4 has a pretty small screen for today's phones). When my 1 year contract is up, I will look at all the smartphone offerings available at that time and make a decision on what to get next. I want Apple to make the short list but if there is no LTE iPhone, I will find it really hard to want to lock myself into 2 years with last generation technology.

    brad pitt movies 2009. While Mr. Pitt may have me
  • While Mr. Pitt may have me

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 24, 08:57 AM
    Video iPod on thanksgiving. I would bet money on it.

    That'll really knock the wind out of Zune.
    I hope so! But if I get a MPB then theres no way I could get a ipod video. Ohwell I would be getting a 2.33ghz core 2 duo 15.4inch macbook pro with 2gb of ram, good grpahics, Dual 6x Double Layer Superdrive, FW800, FW400, Two USBs, 120gb!


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt Still A Part Of
  • Brad Pitt Still A Part Of

  • Keebler
    Jul 11, 03:52 PM
    the key to apple succeeding this battle is to win the rights with the movie industry.

    if bill gates gets there 1st, apple's in trouble.

    the immediate danger is that the movie execs now know that there will be 2 players, thus, I would imagine, lessening apple's power in negotiations. bad for us potentially given jobs' desire to create a level pricing field for dloaded movies.

    i would love to be a fly on the wall inside apple these days. i have a funny feeling that the 'ipod video' dev team is working overtime fixing issues and getting it ready for market.

    go apple go.


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt Won#39;t Direct Photo 5
  • Brad Pitt Won#39;t Direct Photo 5

  • Leaping Tortois
    Apr 30, 10:54 AM
    I'm just putting it out there that either apple are greedy bastards, or they're offsetting the cost of the US customers by increasing the prices elsewhere. I live in Australia, where the minimum cost of a song on the iTunes store is $1.69, with most songs costing $2.19. Explain to me why this is the case when there's no physical handling, just accessing a server, and our dollar is worth more than the US dollar.

    Like I said, apple are greedy bastards. I reckon amazon should off the mp3's in a variety of formats, OR in mp3, with the option of downloading a wav or FLAC file. In the case of full albums, offering an ISO of the CD would be nice. Until then, I'd prefer to stay away, for the most part I still buy CD's. I'm not going to switch to entirely digital for a long time.


    brad pitt movies 2009. Oscars 2009: Brad Pitt and
  • Oscars 2009: Brad Pitt and

  • louis Fashion
    Apr 26, 03:04 PM
    I'm sure Apple will be heartbroken that you won't be gobbling resources without paying.

    If it's worth anything, it's worth $20/year.

    I can gobble music on my iPod/iPad/iMacs all day long, thank you, as of today all my music files were present. AND if you need cloud service you are welcome to it. (without any bitching on my part)

    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt
  • Brad Pitt

  • iEvolution
    Apr 22, 01:33 PM
    What has apple done that is unethical?

    I consider lack of hardware recalls unethical. They always try to hoard as much money as they can.

    A few examples are:
    1-2007 iPod Touch inverted black issue that was a HARDWARE related problem with the coating on it. Apple just released a firmware update to cover the problem by changing the gamma settings.

    2-iPhone antenna issue, cheap 50 cent bumpers to cover the problem because they think everyone should just be a lab rat for them. Then their attitude that it wasn't a issue until the media exploded all over it. Then they act like children and release all those youtube videos of antenna problems with a bunch of other phones like its acceptable.

    3-2007 Classic/Nano, when initially released these were the biggest pieces of crap, it was like no one even bothered to turn them on before they released it and it wasn't until 6 months later that the classic was updated enough to work decent. Some issues were:
    a) unable to retain ratings if you played any games
    b) extremely slow navigation (esp the classic)
    c) reboot loops for some
    d) coverflow as useless on the classic (though I never used it anyway)
    This was actually the 1st iPod I had to take back because it was so nonfunctional, from this point on it seems quality control has taken a backseat.

    iTunes 7 was ridiculous when syncing any of the 2007 devices it would randomly freeze for 2-3 seconds when you tried to transfer files and it would take forever to get them to sync because of this. Took apple 2 months to even fix it.

    4-The App pack update they charged iPod touch users $20 for then barely a month later they released a update and charged $10 for it and it already included the $20 app... so essentially the early adapters paid $30 in the end.

    5-Their discussion boards are heavily modded and anything negative about their products that they don't like they remove it for no reason. In otherwords, they refuse to look at the criticism with a open mind and instead try to cover it.

    6-The iLounge 3rd gen shuffle review had a not recommended rating on their site and as a response apple denied them access to the next event. They are giant manipulators when it comes to 3rd party reviews of their products.

    7-While I can't say if it is a music industry issue or apple trying to nickle and dime people, but I thought it was ridiculous that they were charging 30 cents to get DRM files for the early adapters like myself (I had well over 700 songs in DRM format). Essentially making people pay $1.30 for each song while if someone new came to iTunes they could get the song for $1 still. (At the beginning iTunes was still a flat $1 charge).

    8-Apple has had SEVERAL display problems (the 27" iMac displays) over the years, once again they attempt to fix these issues with "firmware" updates.

    It seems since around 2007 apple has just dropped the ball ethically, since they are on top in several markets they seem to have cared about nothing but getting as much money out of consumers as possible.

    Sorry but that is how I view it. I think they make some amazing hardware and I own several iPods and I love every single one of them but I think Apple as a company is pretty shoddy.


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt is the NFL#39;s voice
  • Brad Pitt is the NFL#39;s voice

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 29, 05:31 PM
    I now have 2 gpu's running which should put up some additional points. I have stopped the cpu folding on that machine, it wasn't doing nearly as many ppd in windows as it was in linux. Hopefully I can push over the 400k ppw mark but we shall see.

    I am used to win xp at work but win 7 has been a challenge to figure out, so many things have changed...

    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad+pitt+movies+list
  • Brad+pitt+movies+list

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:46 AM
    Image (http://dailymobile.se/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/HTC-ThunderBolt-vs-iPhone-4-Internet-Speed-Test.jpg)

    Uh, no thanks. I don't need a bigger phone print in my pocket.

    Just get bigger pockets. :)


    brad pitt movies 2009. Brad Pitt is a Basterd!
  • Brad Pitt is a Basterd!

  • Neolithium
    Dec 29, 11:07 AM
    "Wants to be the worlds fattest woman"....enjoy your heart attack :rolleyes:

    Apr 14, 02:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am going with either universal apps for iOS and Mac or appletv. Nothing else makes sense.

    Jan 30, 11:31 PM
    Grabbed some albums:
    Abbey Road - The Beatles
    Time Flies... 1994-2009 - Oasis (Deluxe Edition)
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West (Deluxe Edition)

    all classics :)

    Oct 24, 08:57 AM
    IMHO--A solid upgrade. Same price point but more memory, more video ram, fw 800, dual layer burner.

    I'm jealous! I have a the original Macbook Pro. But my laptop was just fine yesterday so I won't be upgrading til the next major upgrade.

    Oct 23, 09:28 AM

    I understand where you are coming from, but I still don't interpret the EULA as you do. Neither does Paul Thurrott http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/winvista_licensing.asp. Can you please provide links to others who think like you, preferably if they happen to work for MS. ;)

    The earlier thread on this topic is here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=243716

    I agree with Dave on this one. It's saying you can't have the OS installed on VM as well as a standalone machine. It's no more restrictive than the XP licensing.

    Only difference is the VM part is EXPLICIT, instead of IMPLIED.

    You could only have XP installed on 1 machine at any time.

    Sep 17, 10:47 AM

    For 99cents this game is incredible!:D

    For the life of me, I cannot get past the 2nd one on the 2nd set of levels.:mad:

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