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Sunday, May 22, 2011

justin timberlake and britney spears 2011

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  • Apple OC
    May 2, 12:08 AM
    I support the crowd gathering at Ground Zero in NYC ... it is a great day for them :cool:

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  • skinnylegs
    Mar 31, 02:01 PM
    Count me in among the "I don't like the leather look" camp. :(

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  • iApples
    May 1, 11:35 PM
    I guess Osama Bin Ladin's iPhone tipped Pres. Obama off.

    I heard he didn't disable the location service on his newly purchased Tweetbot app. That damn Twitter will get you every time.

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    Says the guy who must live in an apartment with the shades drawn, or his parents basement, or some other wonderful computer dungeon.

    I am surrounded by windows, wonderful views, and don't want to close all my blinds and and be in the dark so that I can use my awesome reflective computer monitor. I appreciate that the glass may be wonderful for some, but understand that it is awful for others. The option for a matte screen is logical. Open your mind, respect the views of others, and stop being a tool.

    Take what I say with a grain of salt though, I don't even have half a brain cell.

    Agreed, some people just don't get it. I use to remember the days when PC used to come with glossy screens to promote watching movies and a richer colour experience, and the Mac community used to comment that glossy was terrible (which I agree). Then the iMac started to adopt the glossy screen since watching movies were held more important than actual work and the PC were reverting and mixing matte screens back into they line-up, while Apple started to hesitate and only offered anti-glare as an option for a fee. Makes me sick really, why is there a fee for anti-glare. There was never a fee for glossy when it was being phased in initially. Even the ACD have gone glossy.

    Lucky for me and others in the same boat as Dell offer matte displays, price competitive and a great warranty compared to :apple: glossy marketing junk of screen options. :p


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  • zen
    Apr 16, 12:43 AM
    I have a first gen iPad running 4.3.1, but although iTunes says a newer version is available, after it downloads it, extracts it, verifies my device and backs it up, it then says "this device isn't eligible for the requested build".

    Does that mean the first gen iPad is now officially "legacy" and maxes out at 4.3.1? Or should I try a total restore/reset and update?

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 27, 10:02 PM
    For now, I'll switch. Nies

    Looks like I need to switch to nies.

    Deadline is 10:30 am EST.


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  • SeanZy
    Mar 16, 11:37 AM
    Well at lease I will have one to trade at the Apple store once they get some more in...we shall see who has the last laugh.

    I will be at the Brea Mall Satruday AM if anyone wants to trade or PM me.

    But you still have to wait in line to exchange... So I don't know how having one to exchange is different from just paying cash? Except the fact you're down almost a 1000 dollars now with something you're not using.

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  • Psilocybin
    Apr 20, 10:39 AM
    that's easy, macbook without backlit keyboard is too ugly to me.

    Lol ok buddy. Hope your not waiting for there to be a backlit keyboard in the air because I doubt there will be. Apple took it out of the MBA for a reason not for the heck of it


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  • Full of Win
    Apr 11, 03:03 PM
    I have a feeling the next version of FCP will be more affordable, something a bit more expensive than FCE is. And then Apple will K.O. FCE.

    Haven't heard of any official live streams but maybe a rouge one will pop up on Justin.tv or ustream or wait for something official on Apple's site.

    So basically, the new FCP is becoming the next FCE for prosumers and Apple is abandoning the professional market.

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 13, 01:58 PM
    Not a single analyst has explained WHY this would be better for Apple than simply selling more Apple TVs. They just say it like it makes sense and expect us to believe them.

    I'm sorry, but that's not good enough.

    WHY would Apple want to take on shipments of large, expensive packages?

    WHY would Apple want to limit their market for a new product to people who want an entirely new TV?

    WHY do you think Apple cares more about what logo is on the back of the TV that by what software is showing up on the screen?

    And WHY isn't the Apple TV good enough for the goal of getting the iOS and iTunes worlds into the living room?

    I think the changes to the latest Apple TV is a sign of where Apple wants to be headed. The next Apple TV will be even smaller and come free when you buy a Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Wait and see! Just like giving e-mail away helps Google's ecosystem, so does getting Apple TVs into people's houses help Apple's ecosystem.

    Selling some $2,000 TV doesn't help with that.


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  • Gav2k
    Apr 14, 07:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Could be the iTampon for all i care! I just want my iPhone 5 in June not September damn it!

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  • shartypants
    Apr 22, 05:39 PM
    Maybe the iPhone 4 looking iPhone 5 will come out as a 4S and something like this will be the iPhone 5...? It does look pretty good, but not sure if it could really be made this thin as the A5 chip is just as power consuming as the A4 (as has been stated). If that actually is what the iPhone 5 will look like, I'll buy it for sure.


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  • bigandtasty
    Apr 14, 01:48 AM
    I have a feeling that whatever problems they had with the white color was solved a long time ago. I'm sure they've been ready to produce white iPhones fr several months and are waiting till the 1 year anniversary time fram to start shipping the white iPhone to boost sales seeing as the iPhone 5 was pushed back to September.

    This. With a White iPhone coming out this close to past annual release date(s) of Next Gen iPhones, this further backs the rumors of a later release (fall) of iPhone 5. I love my iPhone 4 and hope that 5 is more kick ass updates under the same hood. Loved my 2g, disliked 3G, 3GS form factors, but am led further to believe that with iPhone 4 coming in white, this late in the cycle, that the iPhone 5 will be more of a slight upgrade iPhone 4G/GS as mentioned in past posts and forums. My .02


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  • mahonmeister
    Oct 23, 12:35 PM
    What's that other program that lets you run windows without an actual copy? Maybe I'll use that. Wait, are they even supporting Vista or just XP?


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  • cebritt
    Jan 27, 03:31 PM
    The old stock adage is, "Buy on rumor, sell on news."

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  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:01 PM
    As long as it has Zombies I'm game. Killing Nazi zombies was getting old anyways.

    Taliban zombies...


    Round 1, fight!


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  • MacRuler
    Apr 15, 07:11 AM
    as will most.

    this white phone delay seems rather odd.

    hopefully those who wanted the color will now finally be able to get one.

    you guys do realize that with this product release the wait for the iphone 5 will be a long time from now? people that do have iphones or smartphones can wait. but people with phones that can only make calls and texts and batterys that last for 3 hours. will deffiantly jump on this iphone due to the fact it is "new" i for one will be buying this on verizon on a upgrade plan the day it comes out.

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  • morespce54
    Jun 9, 04:17 PM
    More importantly... $1000 for a BAR exam prep app? BAR prep books are significantly less.

    Well, I guess the app contain an official exam and your results get posted directly... Obviously, it's not only a "text book" kind of app...

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  • LordTyroxx
    Apr 22, 05:12 PM
    You went up in arms about the itunes logo, but when a mockup is truly horrible, you praise it? This is about the worst mockup i've ever seen.

    Apple, please never ever put that awful backing on the iphone. ever.

    You hip generation might like holes in your jeans and scratches on your phone, but I just think it's stupid. :p

    Jun 16, 07:36 AM
    There was no reason why this issue shouldn't have been resolved at the Apple store level. That store manager deserves needs to be enlightened.

    Apr 28, 08:46 PM
    So what you are telling me is: An iPhone 4 comes out and I buy a case. Incase makes $20. An iPhone 5 comes out the same size and I don't buy a case because I have an old one and Incase makes $0. How is that better for Incase exactly?

    The point you are trying to make is FAIL, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 are two different phones. Nobody on earth who already has a black iphone 4 would go and buy a white iphone 4. And if they did, they would need to buy another case anyways to have them on both phones. Cant protect 2 phones with one case.

    Right now manufacturers need to make 3 different cases for different versions of the same phone -> confusion for customers -> lower customer satisfaction -> less money. Dont tell me manufacturers are happy at this to be able to make mountains and mountains of cash off people who get the wrong case accidentally and end up buying another one.

    Apr 11, 01:59 PM
    Are any details known on the licensing costs of TB devices?

    Oct 24, 07:52 AM
    The Mac in my sig is now up for sale.:rolleyes: :p

    Mr. Dee
    Jul 10, 06:13 PM
    If they add the "word processing mode", then that simultaneously renforces my gripes with it (see other threads), then negates them.

    It's an extra step in setting up a document, but I like the thought of it from a productivity standpoint. As long as there's no Clippy.

    I am sure Apple will be wise enough to have an option in Preferences for Pages to set the default start up mode. So if you know you do mostly wordprocessing, it will automatically start in that. Also, you should be able to toggle modes.

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